private island retreat

The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.
- Pablo Picasso
A natural nirvana and island paradise that lends itself to the pursuit of the contemplative journey, Isola Santa Cristina comes alongside artists, writers, musicians who through their work explore the beauty of the Venetian lagoon and the cultural heritage of Venice. This page is a collection of those who have inspired or continue to inspire us; and who find a creative impulse here at Isola Santa Cristina.

Time to cherish
on the island
by the Austrian filmmaker,
Martin Potocnik
Music courtesy of
Dez Mona
featuring B.O.X.
Isola Santa Cristina interpreted by the Irish painter, John Kelly
Isola Santa Cristina by the contemporary artist, Roger de Montebello
Venetian music and culture explored by
the author and friend of Isola Santa Cristina, Allison Zurfluh